Without shaving hair transplant possible

U-FUE Hair Transplant Turkey

✓In Turkey, we provide the best hair transplant methods.

✓A hair transplant, the best treatment method for hair loss, is now very easy!

✓The operation you will be in the 8-hour will help you regain your hair.

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Unshaven Hair Transplant Turkey

The unshaven hair transplant is one of our most popular treatments, and we at NEO Hair Transplant take great satisfaction in providing state-of-the-art hair restoration methods. With this cutting-edge technique, patients can get a hair transplant without shaving their heads, maintaining their natural hair length all the way through. This treatment gives the illusion of fuller, denser hair while preserving the integrity of the existing hair. The results are long-lasting and fit in perfectly with the patient’s original hairline, making the alteration subtle yet profound.

Our staff performs the unshaven hair transplant using either the Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) or FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) technique. Hair follicles can be extracted and implanted with extreme precision using both minimally invasive techniques. This accuracy guarantees that the hair transplant develops organically, producing long-lasting and visually beautiful results.

The capacity of the unshaven hair transplant to preserve the patient’s appearance throughout the process is one of its greatest benefits. Many people may be seriously discouraged from getting a hair transplant due to the psychological effects of shaving their heads. Patients can benefit from hair restoration with this method without having to worry about having a noticeable shaved head after surgery.

Those seeking a shorter recuperation period are also drawn to the unshaven hair transplant. Because the hair is not trimmed, there isn’t a significant change in look right after the surgery, so patients can resume their regular activities with little recovery time. Additionally, the natural hair will hide the just placed grafts while they mend, making the healing process more understated.

In order to meet each patient’s unique needs and objectives, we at NEO Hair Transplant work hard to create a customized treatment plan. We are dedicated to providing outstanding outcomes, whether the goal is a minor increase in hair density or a more involved restoration.

Unshaven FUE Hair Transplant: What is it?

The cutting-edge hair transplant procedure known as Unshaven Follicular Unit Extraction, or U-FUE, involves removing and transplanting hair follicles without shaving the patient’s scalp. This technique is perfect for people who would rather not have surgery visible because it lets them keep their natural hair length throughout the process.

How Does a U-FUE Transplant Work?

  • Planning and Consultation: To choose the best course of action, the surgeon evaluates the patient’s hair health, density, and pattern of hair loss. This stage involves determining the necessary quantity of grafts and creating a customized strategy according to the patient’s requirements and expectations.
  • Extraction: The patient does not have to shave their head for U-FUE, in contrast to standard FUE. Using specialized instruments, individual hair follicles are removed from the donor region, which is usually the back or sides of the scalp. To guarantee that the surrounding hair is left undisturbed, the procedure is painstaking and extremely precise. By doing this, the patient’s natural hair is less likely to be disturbed.
  • Graft Preparation: Under a microscope, the removed hair follicles are meticulously prepared. To make sure every graft is healthy and appropriate for implantation, they are arranged according on size.
  • Implantation: In accordance with the pre-planned design, the hair follicles are then placed into the recipient area. To create a realistic appearance, the surgeon makes sure that every follicle is positioned at the ideal depth and angle. The healing process is discrete since the patient’s hair is unshaven, allowing the implanted grafts to mix in perfectly with the natural hair.
  • Recovery: U-FUE has a comparatively quick recovery time. The majority of individuals have mild swelling or redness, which goes away in a few days. With less downtime, the patient can resume their regular activities because the unshaven hair helps hide the recently transplanted follicles.

Advantages of U-FUE

  • Without Shaving: The option to have a transplant without shaving the head, which makes the process discrete, is one of U-FUE’s biggest benefits.
  • Natural Appearance: During the healing period, the unshaven hair conceals the transplanted grafts, enabling patients to return to their regular activities without exhibiting any obvious surgical scars.
  • Faster Healing: Because U-FUE is a minimally invasive technique, patients can anticipate seeing the first signs of hair growth in as little as three to four months.
  • For people who want to restore their hair in a natural, unnoticeable way while keeping their current haircut, this technique is perfect.

Who Makes a Good U-FUE (Unshaven FUE) Candidate?

Although Unshaven Follicular Unit Extraction, or U-FUE, is an extremely specialized procedure, not everyone is a good fit. Here is a thorough explanation of who stands to gain from this process:

Men and Women: Both men and women can benefit greatly from U-FUE. U-FUE is frequently preferred by women in particular because it enables them to keep their hairdo without shaving, which can be a deterrent to standard hair transplant operations.

People with Mild to Moderate Hair Loss: U-FUE is best suited for people whose hair loss occurs in the early to moderate stages. Since U-FUE is frequently best for smaller areas or less widespread hair loss, patients with considerable baldness may not be a good fit.

Patients with Adequate Donor Area: The caliber of the donor area is a major determinant of eligibility. In the donor area, which is typically the back or sides of the head, candidates must have a enough number of healthy hair follicles. To guarantee effective grafting, these follicles need to be strong and thick.

People Who Do Not Want a Shaved Head: U-FUE is the greatest choice for people who are unable or unable to shave their head. U-FUE is frequently chosen by professionals, public personalities, or people who just wish to avoid the psychological effects of having their head shaved. It offers a more covert method of treating hair loss without obvious aftereffects of surgery.

Patients with reasonable expectations: Although U-FUE is a useful procedure, patients should have reasonable expectations regarding the outcomes. People who are experiencing serious hair loss might need to look into other treatments or repeated sessions because the method does not allow for the extraction of vast amounts of hair follicles at once.

Candidates Looking for Little Downtime: Because U-FUE is less intrusive, recovery time is accelerated. This approach is most suited for patients who want to quickly resume their regular activities without any obvious symptoms of surgery, such redness or a shaved head.

Healthy People: Applicants should be in generally good health and free of illnesses that could hinder their ability to heal or cause problems after surgery. Chronic disorders that could impact the transplant result, such as uncontrolled diabetes, heart disease, or immune system problems, may prevent certain people from receiving U-FUE.

Extra Factors:

Hair Texture and Color: Because of the way the hair covers the scalp, some hair types—like thick or curly hair—may respond better to U-FUE. In a similar vein, individuals may experience more seamless outcomes if their hair and scalp colors are almost same.
Prior Hair Transplants: U-FUE may be beneficial for people who have had a previous hair transplant but are seeking more density, if the donor area is still viable.
U-FUE consultation
A comprehensive consultation is necessary prior to choosing U-FUE. To ascertain appropriateness, a thorough examination of the patient’s scalp, hair density, and pattern of hair loss is carried out. It’s crucial to have reasonable expectations and realize that U-FUE might not be the greatest choice for people who require a lot of grafts because the extraction procedure can take longer because of the precision needed when the head isn’t shaved.

What Benefits Come with Unshaven FUE (U-FUE) Hair Transplantation?

  • No Need to Shave: Because patients can keep their normal hair length during the operation, it’s a discrete choice for people who don’t want any obvious surgical scars.
  • Fast Recovery: Because U-FUE is less intrusive, there is less discomfort and swelling and a quicker recovery process.
  • Results That Look Natural: The transplanted hair mixes in perfectly with the recipient’s natural hair, preventing the sudden shaven appearance that follows a transplant.
  • Reduced Psychological Impact: Patients can steer clear of the emotional strain that shaving frequently causes, particularly in social or professional contexts.
  • Ideal for Small to Moderate Hair Loss: For people who wish to discreetly address early to moderate hair thinning, U-FUE is ideal.
  • Reduced Scarring: U-FUE leaves nearly undetectable scars because no significant incisions are performed. This is especially true when the donor area is not shaved, which helps hide any surgical scars.
  • Smooth Transition Back to Daily Life: Following surgery, patients can promptly resume their normal activities without anyone recognizing a significant change in their look.
  • Accurate Graft Positioning: This technique guarantees that hair follicles are positioned at the proper depths and angles, promoting long-lasting effects and organic growth patterns.

What Drawbacks Exist for Unshaven FUE (U-FUE) Hair Transplantation?

  • Extended Process Duration: U-FUE can take a lot longer than regular shaved FUE because the surgeon has to operate around existing hair.
  • Greater Cost: Compared to conventional hair transplants, unshaven transplants are frequently more costly due to the additional intricacy and accuracy needed.
  • Restricted Graft Numbers: U-FUE usually works better for smaller surgeries (up to 3000 grafts, for example). Shaving may be necessary for larger transplants in order to guarantee better outcomes.
  • More Skill-Intensive: It can be challenging to locate a skilled practitioner because not all surgeons specialize in U-FUE.
  • Increased Post-Op Care: Cleaning and tending to the donor and recipient areas might be more difficult when the hair is unshaven, particularly during the early healing phases.
  • Unsuitable for Severe Baldness: Because large-scale transplants are challenging without shaving, U-FUE might not be the best option for people experiencing significant hair loss.
  • Increased Risk of Follicle Damage: Because of the precision required, there is a somewhat increased chance that adjacent hair follicles would sustain damage during extraction and implantation, which could have an impact on the final outcome.

Cost of U-FUE Hair Transplant in Turkey

The amount of grafts required, the clinic, and the surgeon’s level of experience can all affect the price of a U-FUE (Unshaven FUE) hair transplant in Turkey. In Turkey, the average cost of a U-FUE surgery falls between €2,000 and €4,500. This often covers a range of services such post-operative care, transfers, and lodging. Due to decreased medical expenditures while maintaining excellent standards of care and competence, prices in Turkey are typically lower than in other nations.


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