Hair Transplant for Women: Critical Differences and Expectations

When it comes to hair transplant procedures, people have different expectations. Some of these expectations are closer to reality than others. Hair transplants for women are a big deal. Because our hair is one of the primary factors affecting our appearance.

Hair is the most significant accessory for women. Therefore, it is expected to have doubts about the procedure or to have unrealistic expectations. A good specialist first determines what your problem is. Then, based on his findings, he tells you exactly what to expect after a hair transplant for women. There may be differences between real life and our dream world. A good doctor will tell you directly about the problem and the maximum result you can get instead of beating around the bush.

A common expectation that people have about hair transplants is that hair transplants are pretty expensive. This misconception is not valid. Hair transplants are more comfortable and accessible thanks to technological developments. This means that the cost is less than expected. In addition, this major change you will make for your image will be worth every penny.

However, it should not be forgotten that every woman’s problem that causes hair loss is unique to her. This plays an essential role in determining the amount of hair transplant to be used. The amount of hair transplant determines the amount you will pay. Another issue that patients worry about is that there will be some side effects after hair transplant for women. If you have chosen your doctor and clinic well, you have nothing to worry about. Millions of people have hair transplants for women every year. It is possible to say that very few of them face complications after the procedure.

There are two main methods used to perform hair transplants. These two methods are:

  • FUT (Follicular Unit Transplant)
  • FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction)

It is possible to transplant approximately 2000 to 3000 hair grafts at a time. Patients should have realistic expectations about the final result of the process. There is also no fixed cost for having a hair transplant. The final cost usually depends on the number of hair grafts the person wants.

Causes of Hair Loss in Women

The most common cause of hair loss in women worldwide is female pattern baldness, also called androgenic alopecia. This type of hair loss has a strong genetic component and can be inherited from your mother or father. It usually starts in your late 50s or 60s. However, you may begin to notice it in your late teens, and the earlier it starts, the more severe it tends to be. Hormonal changes during menopause can also contribute to this type of baldness.

With this type of hair loss, your follicles gradually shrink, and the growth cycle shortens. Your hair falls out usually. However, new hair grows back thinner and weaker. After a while, some follicles may stop producing hair. It’s unlikely that you’ll lose all your hair with female pattern baldness. However, if left untreated, the symptoms can get worse over time. Hair loss can be caused by a number of conditions. Some of the most common are pregnancy, thyroid disorders, and anemia. Others include:


Sometimes, hair loss is a sign of a condition called hyperandrogenism, which occurs when your body produces too much androgen (male hormones). The most common cause in women is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). In addition to hair loss, other symptoms of PCOS include weight gain, acne, and irregular periods. It is one of the most common causes of infertility.


When you give birth or have surgery, you experience physical stress. Intense emotions such as a death in the family, divorce, or unemployment also create emotional stress. It is expected to experience hair loss with either stress. Hair loss can occur a few weeks to 6 months after any stressful experience.

Anagen effluvium

This is the name given to the type of hair loss caused by medications that damage your hair follicles. Radiation and chemotherapy treatments for cancer are harmful to hair follicles. These treatments can result in your hair falling out. Hair regrowth usually begins within a few months after you complete treatment.

Telogen effluvium

You experience this type of hair loss when a large number of follicles reach the telogen phase, or resting period, but do not start the active growth phase again. So when hair falls out, it is not replaced.


Sometimes, people respond to stress by pulling hair from their heads, eyebrows, and other parts of their bodies. This condition is called trichotillomania. For some people, it is a way to relieve tension, frustration, and other uncomfortable emotions. The symptoms can get worse over time. Once you stop pulling your hair, it will likely grow back.

These include:

  • Iron, protein, or other nutrient deficiencies
  • Too much vitamin A
  • Vitamin D deficiency
  • Anorexia or bulimia
  • Hormones

Female-Specific Techniques

For women, hair transplant treatment depends on the cause of the hair loss. If it is caused by a medical condition, treating that condition should help with the hair loss. If it is caused by a medication, your doctor may change your medication or dosage.

Treatment options include:

Medications: Minoxidil (Rogaine) is a topical medication approved by the FDA for female pattern hair loss. It is available over-the-counter in 2% and 5% solutions that you can apply to your scalp. This once-daily foam treatment should be used for about 6 to 12 months to see results. The medication works by lengthening the hair’s growth phase, giving your hair more time to grow. Spironolactone is another medication your doctor may prescribe to help your hair regrow and prevent hair loss from getting worse. It blocks the effects of male hormones called androgens.

Supplements: If you have any vitamin deficiencies, your doctor may recommend multivitamins or supplements such as iron and biotin. Do not take any supplements without consulting your doctor. They can interact with other medications or supplements you are taking.

Hair transplant: This is a procedure in which your doctor takes hair from a part of your scalp where hair growth is intense and transplant it to an area where hair loss is occurring.

hair transplant for women

Differences in Results Between Men and Women

Both male and female hair transplants use the same basic FUT and FUE methods. FUT hair transplants are the preferred method for female patients for the following reasons:

It is not very common for women to shave their heads. Therefore, hair transplant for women do not require shaving. FUT hair transplant are the ideal hair transplant option for women because they can be done with little or no shaving.

Women with hair loss need more hair transplants to adequately cover the area where the hair loss is occurring. The FUT procedure allows for a more significant number of grafts to be collected and is therefore preferable. Since female hair transplants do not involve shaving, the operation is more complex and technique-dependent. Micro-slits in the recipient area are prepared before the follicular units are implanted. When performing hair transplants for women, extreme care must be taken not to damage the surrounding healthy hair follicles.

Therefore, since it is even more delicate than a male hair transplant, a female hair transplant requires a highly skilled and experienced surgeon. Female hair transplant are more costly than male hair transplant because they are a more complicated procedure.

Female Patient Experiences

Most doctors say that almost one in five women will experience some hair loss, usually due to aging, illness, or hormonal changes after menopause. Instead of losing hair in clumps, as is common in men, women tend to experience mild hair loss all over the scalp. Some female patients try to manage the situation by wearing wigs.

Some try to balance the hair loss they experience by using a topical prescription medication. How well these types of medications work will vary from patient to patient. These medications generally do not stimulate any significant new growth. Instead, they simply prevent further hair loss. Hair transplant surgery for women is a more effective and permanent solution than these options.

Since mini-grafts are usually the preferred surgical treatment for filling in thinning areas, good candidates for this procedure should have a dense growth of hair on the back of the head. The mini-grafts are taken from this dense area and replanted into the thinning areas to create a fuller look. Sometimes, if a person is deemed a good candidate, flap and tissue expansion procedures may be used. If you are considering a hair transplant for women, it is crucial to first identify the source of the problem. Since each patient’s situation is different, their experiences will vary. However, at the end of the day, hair transplant surgery aims to provide you with a lasting and satisfying experience.